Saturday, April 15, 2006

Semana Santa Adventure

Central Park in ESTELI


We decided to adventure outside of Managua as it was the beginning of Seman Santa. You may ask what Semana Santa is? It is the equivalant of our Easter weekend and so pretty much everything closes and everyone goes to the beach. We decided to do the opposite and head inland into the mountains of Esteli. This is a very clean and community oriented town. The people were very warm and friendly and eager to help. They are very proud and noble community of people with strong Sandinista sentiments. It is very much an agricultural community with alot of organic products as well as being into natural remedies and medicanal herbs which is something that really attracted us to come and visit Esteli. We met a fellow Victorian and we all decided to travel together to Miraflor which is a nature reserve/cooperative of the local farmers on Friday. The rest of the afternoon we spent exploring the city and enjoyed a wonderful lunch at a restaurant that served soy products and then dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant which was really quaint.


With the aid of some wonderful Estellians, we were able to take a taxi up into Miraflor as all the buses were not running as of Good Friday. We stayed at a wonderful homestay run by Dona Corina and she makes fabulous meals and runs a great farm with horses and a small coffee plantation. We ventured around the farm and heard some amazing sounds from the birds and animals around as well as smelled some sweet wonderful mountain fresh air. We really enjoyed our experience!

Dona Corina's farmstay experience

Now Karl s corner: Nous avons passe une super fin de semaine a explorer Esteli et ses environs .J ai senti une fierte chez les gens de cette ville que je n ai pas vue ailleurs ,ces gens ont du combattre dans les annee 80 les contras supportes par les Etats Uni . Une ville purement Sandinista.J ai remarque plusieurs magasins de produits Naturelles ,Une belle vue sur les montagnes et sa riviere qui borde cette petite ville au allure colonial.

Miraflor est a 1 heure de voiture de Esteli,C est une reserve narurel d une superficie de 206 kilometre carre,il parait qu il y a du quetzal, plus de 200 sortent d orchidees,coyotes,singes et plusieurs autres .Pres de cette Reserve plusieurs Familles ont de petites Finca(fermes) ou ils recoivent des gens ,cette fin de semaine surtout des allemands et americains venue en famille echaper a la foule des plages. Nous avons pris de magnifiques photos et du super bons temps.Nous prenons des notes sur ce que les gens aiment lorsqu ils voyagent et ca servira surement dans le futur.J aurais aime partager un peu plus avec vous ce magnifique coin de pays que voici.Saludos

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