Monday, April 10, 2006

Masaya! Masaya! Masaya!

We decided to check out Masaya this weekend and we are really glad we did. It is a quaint little town with two markets. One is more of a souvenir market and the other is a place where you can find everything from underwear to fresh meats. It was nice to see another place outside of Managua. Our buseta ride back was interesting as our driver and assistant decided to cram in as many people as he could...I think there were about 20 people in basically a minivan. Not really strict on their regulations :)
We also walked to the top of Volcan Masaya on Sunday. This is a volcano that has not had any eruptions since 2001 around the same time of year. The total hike to the top is around 6km and let me tell you it certainly felt much longer than 6km. It was early afternoon and VERY hot and VERY steep...we made it which felt great! It was pretty amazing to see the inside of the was also very smelly as it was steaming sulphur! We were able to hitch a ride back down to the entrance with a couple from Italy who are now living here in Nicaragua as farmers! There are lots of different people here from all over the world.
I really enjoyed Masaya and would go back there again. It definately had a great vibe to the city!

Karls corner: Masaya est moin touristique que Granada ,j ai vraiement aime cette ville. Le Volcan j etais alle en 1995 alors pour moi rien de nouveau.Incroyable le nombre de personnes qu on peu rencontre lorsqu on passe un peu de temps dans un Hospetage, les Canadiens qu on rencontre ici reste pour moi les plus friendly ,je ne commencerai pas a annalyser chaque nationnalitees . Demain nous rencontrons notre avocat pour en savoir un peu plus sur notre situation et ce qu il est possible de faire pour rester ici un certain temps. C est drole mais je n ai pas grand chose a dire aujourd hui .Salut .

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