The drive up to the laguna is quite something. Driving through little villages and seeing and feeling the climate and vegetation change is awesome. The laguna itself is a volcano that with time, filled up with water that is CLEAR BLUE! They have measured it to be 200 meters deep, but they think it is actually deeper at some points! It also contains fish that can only be found here in Laguna de Apoyo. They have created a Ecologico Projecto with studies and reports on the information in the lake as well as working on reforesting the area. They also offer Scuba diving, Spanish classes and volunteer opportunities with the children in the village. The laguna is the cleanest water in Nicaragua that provides a 6km swimming pool to the area. Here you can also see many kinds of exotic birds, monkeys and beautiful rare butterflies.
We returned to our base on Sunday afternoon as we had lots planned for Monday. Monday was the day to pick up our documents after being certified at the Canadian embassy which was a success (expensive, but successful...this was actually the most expensive part of the process so far!). We also certified our documents at the Bank and then onto the Ministeria de Relaciones Exeriores. It was a big learning curve, but alot of fun and a great sense of satisfaction after completion. We also met with a great lawyer who is assisting us with the next step of obtaining residencia as well as registering a business. His name is Luis Boniche and so far so good! We are meeting with him tonight to sign some documents for him to move forward in the process which we are really excited about.
Now Karl "s corner.
une super fin de semaine on a tout les deux pris des coups de soleil(DEUX LOBSTER).on a rencontre un quebecois a Laguna son nom est Normand ,une soixantaine d annees ,un original de la ville de Ham pres de Sherbrooke ,imagine, il connait Richard Desjardin en personne,et on avait des connaissances en commun , que le monde est petit, voyage seul comme un gypsy d une ville a l autre.Ca fait du bien de voir des gens comme ca ,ca m inspire,j irai voir son site web . Savez vous quoi a Managua le dimanche y a personne ca a l air qu il sont a la plage.J essaie de pas repeter ce que MOni ecrit en anglais mais ca se peut que des fois ca arrive,ha ,ceux qui me connaissent savent pourquoi.J ai parle a Eric hier soir ,ca ma fait du bien d y parler ,ca doit faire 2 ans que je ne l ai pas vue et j ai bien hate,il sera au quebec en avril . A la proxima.N oubliez pas tout est possible dans la vie.
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