Sunday, March 26, 2006

We're Here!

It is Sunday morning and Karl and I are relaxing in our wonderful hotel in downtown Managua. We had an extremely LONG day of travel yesterday from being at the airport in Toronto at 4:30 am and then having a 7 hour layover in San Salvador for our plane to Managua! The flights were smooth with excellent service.
Immigration into Nicaragua was a bit of an experience as they only gave us a 30 day visa. This only means we have to go to the INTUR office to extend...not that big of a deal...we just thought we were going to have at least 90 days.
We had reserved a hotel from our Nicaragua information site called El Conquistador and they met us at the airport with a great big smile and welcome. The accomodations are clean, spacious (we have a huge room) with a private bath and they serve breakfast. We would recommend it to anyone!
Today we are relaxing and taking in the sites, smells and tastes of Managua. We will probably take up an offer from one of the staff at the hotel to take us around town...he is a really nice guy and it will be a great way for us to practise our Spanish (just for the record Karl is doing really well, me well, the words are in my head, I just have to get them over my tongue!)

Quelques petits mots en francais ca fait du bien aussi.nous sommes bien heureux d etre arrive et aussi tellement content de parler un peu espagnol car malgre que le tourisme semble vouloir decoller les gens ne parle pas vraiment l anglais et ce meme a l areoport. Je peux vous dire qu il y a toute une difference entre le nicaragua de 1995 et celui de ce matin mais ca on va avoir le temps de le decouvrir et ce n est pas ce matin qu on fera un portrait general. nous allons poster tres regulierement alors svp revenez nous voir.Oh voyez vous CHE sur la photo.

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