Tuesday, August 08, 2006

In the City

Our journey has brought us into Managua. I have to say that the second time around in this city is much less intimidating. We are staying in the same neighborhood as before at a different hostel and have had the chance to encounter and explore new parts of the Barrio. Managua really is much better than what the guide books say, you just have to give it a chance.
Have you ever heard of the Ben Linder house? We did not either until talking with a few people who had worked in Managua. This is a house/meeting place for internationals and Nicaraguans to discuss what is happening in the country socially and politically. Because of his work with the local communities, the Nica people wanted to pay tribute to his spirit so with the Ben Linder house his passion and concern for the people of Nica could continue through others. The group has meeings every Thursday morning with guest speaker and is an interesting palce to network and learn more aout organizations that are in Nica.
We also learned there is a Casa Canadiense where as the name of the house indicates, is a Canada house for Canadiens in Nica to network/socialize. We hope to visit and meet some people while we are here in Managua.
All in all, we are healthy, physically and emotionally. We are looking forward to seeing Karl's brother here in Nica in couple of weeks. It should be a fun time. Cuidate, Rasta Mo!

Karl's Corner
Nous sommes de retour a Managua. Nous devions prendre soin d'un hotel sur Big Corn apres deux reunions avec les proprios nous demenageons sur Big Corn avec nos 300 livres de valise pour se faire dire que le tout etait annule. Nous etions desapointe mais cetait peu etre ce qui nous manquait pour partir notre propre affaire.
Hier nous avons rencontre Jaime de Casa Canada (www.thecasa.ca). Casa Canada est un ONG Canadienne qui s;occupe d'une multitude de projets de volontariat a travers le Nica. J'ai ete surpris d'apprendre que le college Champlain de St. Lambert a envoye plusieurs groupes d;etudiants et fait des levees de fonds pour la construction d'ecoles de Cartiers. Casa Canad ne fait pas beaucoup de bruits ni de publicitees mais aide vraiment la ou la population en a besoin. Par exemple, elle financera le diner dans les ecoles prescolaires pour stimuler les parents a envoyer leurs enfants a l'ecole pour le simple fait qu'ils seront nouris.
Nous devons aller a Leon demain matin pour rencontrer Mauricio un gars que javais rencontre lors de mon sejour au Nica en 1995. Et oui deja 11 ans.
En terminant je pourrais vous dire qu'il y a deux Nica . Celui de pacifique et celui de l'atlantique. Tout est differents, langue, coutumes, culture, facon de faire, ambiance, tout. Un peu comme le Quebec et le reste du Canada.......
Hasta luego, Karlitos
Nous pouvons maintenant pratiquer notre Espagnol.
"Allons chercher ce qui est notre, si Loin qui'il faille aller"

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