Friday, November 11, 2005

The Red Bullet Made it!

Well, it has been 2 weeks since Karl left Victoria...and the RED BULLET has made it! The 1988 Nisan Micra has crossed Canada in one piece and is still working! Now in St. Agathe, Quebec, Karl is enjoying the peace of nature as he spends his time at the chalet. We will try to get some photos for you soon.

I am wrapping things up here in Victoria and using an awesome website called (check it out in our sidebar). It has been a great help in selling the "stuff" that I have here! It is incredible how much lighter I also feel with being able to go through my wardrobe and getting rid of alot of old clothes as well as just "letting go" of some items in the house that I was holding onto for emotional reasons. I found that by letting things go, I still had the memories, but I actually phyiscally felt lighter not holding onto a physical object...just an observation :)

Three more weeks of living in Victoria...after 3 years here and I looking forward to having a white (hopefully) holiday in Quebec and Ontario and then heading south in the new year!

We will be in touch!

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