Friday, September 08, 2006


Daniel Ortega at the Masaya Market

Another month is beginning. It is incredible how fast the time flies by...Back to school for everyone in Canada but the kids here have been going to school all summer. Their school year is almost opposite to Canada's.
Masaya is a "homey" city with a festival everyday! Masayans are lively and they enjoy expressing themselves whether it be in their dancing, parades, poetry or talking in the streets. There are fireworks everyday and we finally learned why. The church starts them in the morning to chase away the bad spirits and they start them at 5 am in the morning!! A little early for my taste.
Our search for a house continues. After one week we have seen a few and are looking to see what is available. It can be a challenge being in a different culture and language. I know I have said it before, but I really know how our students felt coming to Canada not knowing the customs, language or having friends in the culture...
This has been an awesome learning experience for is natural to want to place yourself in a "safe" and known position, but it is good for the body and mind to try to push outside this safety zone. Keeping in mind, that it is easier said then done, but it is good to be aware of it!!
We had the opportunity to see Daniel Ortega in person in the market. He was on the campaign trail and we were in time to see his speech. Masaya is a really strong Sandinista town and alot of people came out to support him. In talking with the locals, they have mixed feelings about the upcoming election in November. They support the Sandinista cause, but not necessarily the leader of the party. We will wait to see in the next 2 months!
Cuidate, Sandinista Mo
Karl s Corner
Nous prenons notre temps pour apprecier ce peuple et ses coutumes dans leurs vies de tout les n y a aucunes decisions de prises sur notre direction jus qu a present mais je dois vous dire que je commence a etre tanne de vivre dans mes valises et de manger au Resto.
La renovation du park centrale est terminee et on peut voir que la ville a retrouve son coeur et son ame.Ces temps ci on rememore la bataille de San Jacinto et cela veut dire que les petards a meches ,bruits de canons ambulances sons de cloches d eglises tout ca commencent a 4 am et terminent a 7 am,ca na pas l air de deranger personnes.
Nous pouvons voir dans chaque maisons que nous visitons des troues de balles sur les murs ,souvenir de la guerre des annees 80 ,ca donne un petit cachet interressant.On peut voir aussi que le prix des maisons augmentent considerablement lorsque des nord americains les visitent,ca aussi c est interressant.
Toute cette experience reste tres enrichissante et nou gardons un bon moral. Saludos Karlitos

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