Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Surfing Jaco Beach

Evelyne, Eric & Karl "Hawaiin Style"

Jaco, Costa Rica is a surf town where everyone surfs or is learning to surf. I am glad we had the chance to visit and experience a bit of this world, but it is not really a place I would want to set up residence.
Grecia, the town where we are staying and where Karl's brother has a B&B (bandbgrecia.com), is really quite beautiful. It is a mountain city filled with beautiful green coffee growing valleys. It is about 30 min from San Jose, the capital, and it a great place to start a Costa Rica adventure. The people here are incredibly friendly and the setting is perfect. It is like stepping back in time to a '50's TV show where everything and everyone looks perfect!
Karl and I are having a great time here and we are looking forward to returning to Nicaragua and beginning our own project. It has been a good experience to be here to see what and how things could work!
Pura Vida and Hasta luego! Rasta Mo

Karl s corner
Nous arrivons de 2 jours de surf.Nous avons pu surfer a Jaco,Hermosa et Esterillos,tout les 3 tres connu des surfers dans le monde entier.Jaco la plus connu deviendra surement le waikiki(Hawai)de l amerique centrale .Nous avons eu beaucoup de fun Eric ,moi,Moni,et Evelyn une quebecoise venue realiser son reve d apprendre a surfer.Nous sommes revenue en autobus de Jaco a San jose ,2 heures a visiter la ville et sommes revenue a grecia pour 5 heures. Nous nous occupons occupons du B&B pendant que Eric continue sont surf trip avec Evelyn,S occuper du B&B est un bien grand mot pcq Rocio et Marilyn s en occupe tres bien seule.Nous pensons revenir vers le Nica cette semaine en visitant le sud et SanJuan del sur, la plus touristique,que nous avons evitee jusqu a maintenant. J ai hate de pouvoir analyser la difference entre les deux(nica et costa).

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