Friday, July 21, 2006

Big Brother Adventures

Karl´s new activity

Klaus, Monika & Karl

A great time spent with my brother! He had quite the adventure getting here...plane with mechanical difficulties, late panga, rain...but he made it and gave himself the opportunity to expereince life on Little Corn at Casa Sunrise. We passed the time talking, reading, walking and just enjoying the moments. We had the chance to have FRESH lobster that Cheryl had bought! (Thank you Cheryl!). It was really delicious and I am looking forward to eating more of it.
We also snorkled and saw a huge nurse shark, squid and this really beautiful fish that had purple and yellow ¨wings¨. It was awesome to have the opportunity to share this with Klaus. I thank him very much for making the effort to see our world and I am sure that he will remember this journey for the rest of his life!
Heiko will be returning some time next week and Karl and I have the chance to move to Big Corn to mamnage a hotel for about a month. We are discussing our options and letting ourselves go to see what door opens next for us. We have lots of ideas & directions, we are letting the opportunities present themselves to decide which door we go through!
Thanks for everything Klaus & Norm!
Cuidate, Rasta Mo

Karl´s Korner
Nous avons passe une belle semaine avec le frere de Monika. Ca lui a fait le plus grand bien de voir son grand frere pendent 5 jours. Tout va bien, il pleut regulierement, un peu chaqui jours.
Jai pu decouvreir une nouvelle activitee, le Spear gun fishing like in the movies. Je suie alle avec un expert et nous avons ramene 3 magnifiques poissons. Cést une beel facon de ramener le souper a tres bon prix!
Heiko revient en principe la semaine prochaine et nous etudions la possiblitee de manager un autre hotel pour un certain temps. Il nýa rien de certain et je vous tiendrai au courant de nos projets.
Hasta Luego, Karlitos

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