Saturday, May 13, 2006

Casa Sunrise

Our first week of management of Casa Sunrise and we have had 2 couples stay with us! It has been a bit of hard work and lots of fun! It is really paradise here! We have been enjoying a Breakfast of champions...fresh picked bananas, coconut, papaya and mango with cerel! Heiko has over 10 acres of land and it is filled with fruit trees! We are really hbappy about that! The soil is also so fertile can grow anything, so we plan to try! We will test out our green thumbs. We also have 6 puppies running around from Bobo the ¨guard dog¨. They are so cute!! We also have this awesome cat we call the Gangsta, just because he is the king of the land. Just what we wanted, land animals and beach! We have seen our dream come together with the practise run of managing Casa Sunrise!
The culture here on the island is so different from the Pacific side of Nicaragua. Most of the islanders speak 3 languages, English, Spanish and some form of Creole. The kids are great and they want to play and practise their English. Tourism is a fairly new adventure here and it has increased over 25% in the last year. The main economy here is fishing, but the season is closed for about 4 months, so having another option of tourism is a great alternative! The island is simple community living with the basics. There is power (sometimes), water (sometimes) and definately beautiful land and people (all the time!).
We also had the opportunity to visit on Big Corn Island which is a 30 minute Panga (boat) ride from Little Corn. There we met up with a fellow Canadian who assisted us with infor for obtaining our residency. It was great to meet him in person as well as have the opportunity to tour the island. Christian is starting his own real estate company on Big Corn called Caribbean Dream Realty. We wish him well with his business!
As the power is a bit limited as well as internet, we will be posting more sporadically! We will try our best to keep in touch! Take care and maybe we will see you soon in our island paradise!

Nous sommes ici a Casa Sunrise depuis 2 semaine dega dont une semaine sane le proprio. On prend soin de 3 cabinas sur le bord de la mer et croyez moi ils ont besoin de soin. Heiko le proprio nést pas tres fort sur la menweseniw, alors je raboutte ici et la. Nous avons recu nos premier cliente cette semaine. Nous les avons quasiement supplier de rester, sans farce et je pense quils nous ont paye avec un faux billet american...¨ah¨.
On le saura cette semaine. Je plonge assez souvent et le fond marin est magnifigue pas tres profond et plein de vie. En ce moment nour avous assez d´ouvrage comme ca je prend mon temps. Pas délectricite seulement un panneaux solaire pour 3 cabina et 1 bodega, 1 puits avec une eau excellente, la cuisine se fait aux bois de marche de lágglumeration. En ¨ville¨ lélectricite fonctionne 4 heures par jours, alors internet ici´nést pas accessible et tres cher.
Saludos, Karlos
( We apologize in advance, because I typed Karl´s Korner so if there are mistakes, it is my fingers, not Karl :))

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